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Zack Brooks

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Another New England born, slightly abrasive if you don't know me, but hey, that's New England for you. I'm a fantasy author, with content that's about on par with my own mouth. But, I go out of my way for those around me. I'm a father, husband, and love my life, even if I usually hate the general populace. I love my blunt style of writing, and often find myself pushing the boundaries of "acceptable" content. But, it's all in good fun, and as we all know, our characters develop into their own beings on their own fruition.


How Not to be a Rogue Ebook.jpg

Amaford, a city of prosperity and trade. Merchants flock to it, sailors swear by it, but the people curse its name. For a city of such stature, its dark side runs to its core. Its people struggle to survive the harsh conditions that come with its popularity. More so, the people of its Bridge Districts, or better known as the slums. This is where we find our story, a story covered in filth and poverty.

What started out as a typical day in Amaford becomes something more as a young urchin finds himself constantly plotted against lady luck. Jimmy, a teenager with a long streak of bad jokes and a loose tongue, is forced into a situation that could change his life forever. Armed with a handful of knives, sub-par wit and the charm of a feral kitten, he finds himself struggling to save the day. It’s in this day that only Jimmy can show you what it’s like when shit truly hits the fan.

How Not To Be A Rogue: Trials of Amaford Novella


Journey back to the city of Amaford through the eyes of someone new.Roland, a Halfling from the small town of Berstead, journeys into the depths of the infamous city looking to escape his past. Employed as an apprentice to a master scribe, he finds himself within the city's Tin District. Discover how despite his calculative, tentative nature, and social awkwardness Roland finds everything he previously lacked. Until the presence of a mysterious voice sends his world spiraling into the chaos that is Amaford.

How Not To Be A Scribe: Trials of Amaford Novella


Meet Charles Vefflin. A cupid stuck as a drone within a corporate company run by the Fates in Boston, he is doomed to cause people to fall in love with their soulmates for all of eternity. He hates his job and most people of the world. But a job is a job, and he isn’t going to let a little thing like people ruin the few pleasures in his life.


Quarter One is a compilation of short stories following Charlie the Cupid, These stories include:


Valentine's Day

Fanging with Fate

Hairy Neighbor Hookup

Drunk Under the Rainbow

Pastor Problems

Con Baby Con

New Tech

Low Swinging Bar

Sibling Rivalry

Charlie The Cupid: Quarter One

(Release Date TBD)

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We tasked a talented global writing community to produce their best work. We provided them with 37 challenging prompts. We gave them a strict 280 character limit.

From thousands of entries, we selected just 365.

What can be achieved with just 280 characters? On these pages you will feel the fabric of love and depths of loss, you will explore mortality and ponder what it truly means to be alive, you will find poetry, prose, wonder, despair, humour and courage.

Most of all you will find exceptional thought-provoking authors who are pushing their form to the very limits and beyond.

All royalties of this anthology go directly to a children's literacy charity.

VSS365 Anthology: Volume One: A stunning collection of Very Short Stories from around the globe

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